quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

How to lose weight with health

Some people to maintain their weight tend to get some proper diets prepared from a profile that does not fit their individual needs, we must learn to eat well and correctly so that this habit is established throughout the life of person. To lose weight through surgery and medication can lead to some consequences, before leaving for one of these ways to lose weight look healthy, your body thanks you.

The sweet, salty, fried foods, soft drinks and processed foods also contribute to weight gain help in the emergence of heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes. To ensuring a healthy life besides eating properly is necessary to practice physical activities that will combat the sedentary lifestyle and various diseases.

For both children and adults is essential to hold at least five meals a day as breakfast, lunch, dinner plus snacks, establishing a range of three hours between a meal and a snack. A healthy diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber that will ensure essential vitamins and minerals for maintaining health.


The fibers are important for promoting the elimination of toxins from the body, improve bowel function, ensure satiety causing the individual to eat less, furthermore their consumption is associated with a decrease in high cholesterol and blood sugar.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits should be consumed in three servings. Already and vegetables can be eaten in abundance at lunch and dinner, start lunch with a salad plate is an excellent option for those who want to eat less at lunch because the fiber in the salad will ensure a feeling of satiety.


Give preference to grilled meats, roasted or baked. Just eat this food at lunch, try to eat fish at least twice a week.

Milk and milk products

Look ingest version of creamed foods that belong to this group and cheeses.

Oils, fats, sweets and sugars

Avoid eating these foods, and are very calorie have poor nutritional value and can contribute to the emergence of various diseases.


Many people make the diet excludes carbohydrates in the diet for its reputation of having high calorias.No But these foods are very important in maintaining our body and its deficiency can cause serious health problems because they are the main energy source of our body. Give preference to the full text of these foods but do not delete them from your food.

Source of reference:

Nutrição em foco, Como perder peso com saúde

Eating right for a pregnant

During the period of gestation is important that women keep the shackles healthy living mainly in relation to food, thus avoiding complications for mother and baby. Pregnant women should avoid certain foods and behaviors, must maintain adequate food in order to restore the substance that it has eliminated such as vitamins, iron and calcium.

It is important to at least five meals a day breakfast, lunch and dinner interspersed with small snacks. Fruits and vegetables should be part of the menu constantly. Legumes such as beans, lentils and peas should be present at the lunch, there is no need to use them all in one meal.

Milk and dairy products must be consuimidos three servings a day may be part of the breakfast and dinner, you should not consume milk and dairy products in the same meal that contains meat and other foods that are sources of iron so that does not interference in the absorption of iron and calcium. It should give preference to lean meats and nonfat apparent, avoid fried foods, sausages, fatty foods, sugary drinks and processed foods is very important.

To prevent anemia as well as eating foods that are sources of iron is often necessary to make this mineral supplementation by iron, vi-ferrin or any other supplement that will be determined by the physician of the pregnant woman.

Also some care must be taken as:
  • Control weight
  • Take the right drugs
  • Avoid quarrels and discuções
  • No smoking
  • Avoid use of alcohol
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Going to the doctor regularly
  • Do the prenatal

It is important to remember that when you're in the gestation period is changes in your body both on the outside as weight gain, such as inside the intestines arrested. In this case the pregnant woman need to eat foods containing fiber and certain types of fermented products like yogurt. Also drink lots of fluid keeps the body of the mother and baby always hydrated, helps intestinal function and also ensures a higher production of milk.

Reference sources

Cuidados com a alimentação na gestação