The beans and rice
The foods are rich in iron, carbohydrates, fiber, protein and vitamins B and C, both beans and rice are scattered throughout the world. In addition to being nutrient-rich foods are also responsible for providing the body with the nutrients lost. Rice and beans are foods that complement each other because the amino acids that are not present in the beans are found in rice.
And vegetables
These types of foods can be consumed in excess since they concentrate a large amount of fiber and have low calories. Contain vitamins and minerals that help the body fight diseases and ensure a feeling of satiety, thus decreasing the intake of more food.
Red meat can be consumed preferably grilled, roasted or boiled, it contains iron and other B vitamins essential to health. The fish in addition to being rich in omega 3, protein and minerals help the body to prevent disease and assist in fighting inflammation. It also helps to reduce cholesterol and decrease cardiovascular disease. Include fish at least twice a week on food.
Fruit juice is also an excellent choice for after lunch. Search using seasonal fruits as they are found fresh and cheap, assuring vitamins and minerals juice also helps fight dehydration.
Source reference: Nutrição em Foco, Uma opção de cardápio para um almoço saudável
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