quinta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2010

The importance of fruit and vegetables for healthy eating

Fruits and vegetables are important to our food and our life. At fairs and supermarkets can be found to the consumer a variety of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Individuals who do not consume and consume what little food they leave out the menu excellent allies in maintaining health.


Besides being delicious mostly fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, water and fiber. Moreover can be consumed fresh, can be prepared with fruit desserts. The juices are also great options to use the fruit this summer.

Fruits that Severn as a cure
  • Strawberry - eliminates cholesterol from the kidney
  • Melon - combats stress
  • Grapes - help in fighting grastrite
  • Guava - fight free radicals and strengthens the immune system
  • Orange - help on comtabe flu


The main importance is that they are a source of vitamins and thus avoids the lack of nutrients in the body. The presence of these foods in the diet strengthens the immune system protects the body against certain types of diseases such as heart disease, flu and even tuberculosis.

  • The beet is a great ally in the fight against anemia
  • The carrot helps maintain healthy vision
  • The powder of eggshell help strengthen bones
  • The lettuce prevents osteoporosis
  • The cucumber helps combat skin impurities
  • Watercress increases the amount of red blood cells in the blood
  • Grain foods help in bowel movement
  • The potato acts as an energy

Source reference: Nutrição em foco, Frutas, verduras e legumes sua importância na alimentação

The risks of childhood obesity

Childhood obesity now affects many people where most of them are children. You may have seen many overweight children normal. This occurs because of several factors Entres them a bad diet, intake of fat and calories and also by the lack of physical activity.

Obesity causes many physical and psychological complications both for the children. Childhood obesity should not be treated with a single disease, much care must be taken to combat it. Because it can generate various diseases can lead to death in case of both children and adults.

Types of food leading to obesity
  • Foods rich in glucose (sugar)
  • Salted like pastel and thighs
  • Candies and chocolates
  • Sodas

As we can see childhood obesity can also be caused by psychological problems like depression and anxiety, thus leading the children to have a binge eating. This kind of compulsion makes the person eat a lot, in order to satiate their anxiety or depression to end.

Childhood obesity leads to children having diseases such as:
  • Heart Disease
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Orthopedic Complications (hindering the growth of children)
  • Depression

Preventing childhood obesity
  • Start by preparing a delicious healthy menu involving feeding the whole family
  • Make healthy meals at set times
  • Abuse of fruits and vegetables
  • Take plenty of water
  • Avoid excess food high in fat or glucose
  • Practice exercise
  • Avoid making meals in front of television or computer
  • Try to avoid strict diets do with your kids


We can notice that the locks of several television shows school canteens, so that there was an increase in the number of obese children. So here's a tip, whenever you are preparing school lunches for your child try to encourage them to eat sandwiches and drink natural juices, thus avoiding the consumption of glucose and fats.


  • Statistics reported that 30.3% of children aged 6 to 11 years are overweight
  • Many children look up to their own parents, so you need to always teach their children good eating habits
  • Childhood obesity also occurs in developed countries like the United States, where it has numerous eateries and food courts

Source reference: Nutrição em Foco, Os riscos da obesidade infantil

Five essential foods in your meals

Several people already know that to have a healthy life is important a good nutrition. This requires the intake of foods rich in protein, calcium, vitamins and iron. Food is essential to the life of any people because they are responsible for running the organization as well as help the body fight disease and infection.

The most important food should be eaten every day. The beans, rice, milk, fish and whole grains are very useful and are of great importance for everyone. We will now show the benefits and bring a few tips on this food.


Rice is a type of food that can be easily found anywhere. It is a food rich in iron, protein and B vitamins Many Brazilians at mealtime usually combine the rice with the beans, bringing many benefits such as:
  • Ensure energy for the body
  • Assist in the regulation of intestinal
  • Assist in combating and prevention of diseases

A kind little known among Brazilians is the brown rice, rich in minerals, fiber and vitamins, well suited for those who are dieting.

The rice consumption also allows better control the rate of bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes.


Both the beans and rice are foods that make up the Brazilian table. The beans, besides forming a nice pair with rice, is also rich in nutrients like iron, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and fiber. The beans in pirânide food is in the area builders, representing foods that participate in the construction and maintenance of the human organism. Some benefits of consuming beans are:
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Prevent diabetes or obesity
  • By having iron as the main nutrient, reducing the risk to mild


Fish are rich in various nutrients, including phosphorus, potassium, minerals, vitamins and omega 3. Fish is an important possibility for low-fat, which is helpful in maintaining detas also other benefits like:
  • Prevent diseases like heart attack and stroke
  • Reduce excess cholesterol
  • Auxiliary against arthritis pain
  • Helping the brain against illnesses such as deAlzheimer


Milk is essential for the formation of the newborn and for the maintenance of the adult organism. Milk is rich in minerals (calcium, iron, potassium and phosphorus) and vitamins (A, B1, B3, B6, B12 and D).

Some of the benefits provided by the consumption of milk are:
  • Help to prevent diseases like osteoporosis, arthritis and rickets
  • Assists in preventing dental caries
  • Assists in the formation or development of the baby's body

Whole Grains

And last but not least, the cereal possuemgrande integral importance to humans because they are rich in fibers that help the smooth functioning of the intestine.

Whole grains are known as great sources of fiber and offer benefits such as:
  • Helping to maintain or lose weight
  • Prevent diseases
  • Assist in lowering blood glucose
  • Give plenty of energy to the body

With these five foods in mind, you just have to combine them throughout the week and you'll get a pretty healthy diet, no?

Reference Source: Nutrição em Foco, 7 alimentos que não podem faltar em sua dieta

quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010

Tips for a healthy lunch

The lunch is very important that we should include several food groups like carbohydrates, legumes, meats and vegetables. In addition, a meal that ensures vitality to continue the day's tasks as well as becomes a good reason to meet the family. To achieve the hoped-for lunch in a simple and healthy and necessary that the plate is composed of five parts which contain iron, fiber, protein and carbohydrates.

The beans and rice

The foods are rich in iron, carbohydrates, fiber, protein and vitamins B and C, both beans and rice are scattered throughout the world. In addition to being nutrient-rich foods are also responsible for providing the body with the nutrients lost. Rice and beans are foods that complement each other because the amino acids that are not present in the beans are found in rice.

And vegetables

These types of foods can be consumed in excess since they concentrate a large amount of fiber and have low calories. Contain vitamins and minerals that help the body fight diseases and ensure a feeling of satiety, thus decreasing the intake of more food.


Red meat can be consumed preferably grilled, roasted or boiled, it contains iron and other B vitamins essential to health. The fish in addition to being rich in omega 3, protein and minerals help the body to prevent disease and assist in fighting inflammation. It also helps to reduce cholesterol and decrease cardiovascular disease. Include fish at least twice a week on food.


Fruit juice is also an excellent choice for after lunch. Search using seasonal fruits as they are found fresh and cheap, assuring vitamins and minerals juice also helps fight dehydration.

Source reference: Nutrição em Foco, Uma opção de cardápio para um almoço saudável

Obesity in adolescence

Obesity is a disease that causes various difficulties in life obese. This problem can affect people of any age, many young people feel that during adolescence the mind and body undergo many changes that reflect on your life and the people who inhabit them. Obesity in adolescence usually begins in childhood but at this stage it is not treated as a problem which hinders further weight loss.

The wrong food habits established in childhood have a tendency to extend itself during adolescence, when children find it all pretty healthy and even that chubby child who later may become an obese adolescent and ill.

It is increasingly common in the obese adolescents possess high levels of fat and blood sugar. Several genetic, social and psychological lever can obesity.

Factors contributing to obesity in adolescence
  • Evil Power
  • Foods rich in fats or glucose
  • Changes in schedules for meals
  • Sedentary lifestyle - lack of physical activity
  • Binge eating
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Difficult to relate to other people and make friends
Obesity contributes progressively during this phase to a low self esteem and negative thoughts that may come from the provocations on the part of classmates or even bias that reflects the difficulty of making new friends.

Obesity beyond all social and psychological problems it causes contributes to the emergence of various diseases such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, heart disease can lead to death if untreated.

It is important to encourage consumption of fruits and vegetables since childhood but also the practice of some kind of physical activity that will insert the child and later teenager in a social context. Programs that encourage nutrition and healthy lifestyles should also be encouraged especially in schools.

Source of reference: Nutrição em foco, O impacto da obesidade na adolescência

quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010

How to lose weight with health

Some people to maintain their weight tend to get some proper diets prepared from a profile that does not fit their individual needs, we must learn to eat well and correctly so that this habit is established throughout the life of person. To lose weight through surgery and medication can lead to some consequences, before leaving for one of these ways to lose weight look healthy, your body thanks you.

The sweet, salty, fried foods, soft drinks and processed foods also contribute to weight gain help in the emergence of heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes. To ensuring a healthy life besides eating properly is necessary to practice physical activities that will combat the sedentary lifestyle and various diseases.

For both children and adults is essential to hold at least five meals a day as breakfast, lunch, dinner plus snacks, establishing a range of three hours between a meal and a snack. A healthy diet should be rich in fruits, vegetables and fiber that will ensure essential vitamins and minerals for maintaining health.


The fibers are important for promoting the elimination of toxins from the body, improve bowel function, ensure satiety causing the individual to eat less, furthermore their consumption is associated with a decrease in high cholesterol and blood sugar.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits should be consumed in three servings. Already and vegetables can be eaten in abundance at lunch and dinner, start lunch with a salad plate is an excellent option for those who want to eat less at lunch because the fiber in the salad will ensure a feeling of satiety.


Give preference to grilled meats, roasted or baked. Just eat this food at lunch, try to eat fish at least twice a week.

Milk and milk products

Look ingest version of creamed foods that belong to this group and cheeses.

Oils, fats, sweets and sugars

Avoid eating these foods, and are very calorie have poor nutritional value and can contribute to the emergence of various diseases.


Many people make the diet excludes carbohydrates in the diet for its reputation of having high calorias.No But these foods are very important in maintaining our body and its deficiency can cause serious health problems because they are the main energy source of our body. Give preference to the full text of these foods but do not delete them from your food.

Source of reference:

Nutrição em foco, Como perder peso com saúde

Eating right for a pregnant

During the period of gestation is important that women keep the shackles healthy living mainly in relation to food, thus avoiding complications for mother and baby. Pregnant women should avoid certain foods and behaviors, must maintain adequate food in order to restore the substance that it has eliminated such as vitamins, iron and calcium.

It is important to at least five meals a day breakfast, lunch and dinner interspersed with small snacks. Fruits and vegetables should be part of the menu constantly. Legumes such as beans, lentils and peas should be present at the lunch, there is no need to use them all in one meal.

Milk and dairy products must be consuimidos three servings a day may be part of the breakfast and dinner, you should not consume milk and dairy products in the same meal that contains meat and other foods that are sources of iron so that does not interference in the absorption of iron and calcium. It should give preference to lean meats and nonfat apparent, avoid fried foods, sausages, fatty foods, sugary drinks and processed foods is very important.

To prevent anemia as well as eating foods that are sources of iron is often necessary to make this mineral supplementation by iron, vi-ferrin or any other supplement that will be determined by the physician of the pregnant woman.

Also some care must be taken as:
  • Control weight
  • Take the right drugs
  • Avoid quarrels and discuções
  • No smoking
  • Avoid use of alcohol
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Going to the doctor regularly
  • Do the prenatal

It is important to remember that when you're in the gestation period is changes in your body both on the outside as weight gain, such as inside the intestines arrested. In this case the pregnant woman need to eat foods containing fiber and certain types of fermented products like yogurt. Also drink lots of fluid keeps the body of the mother and baby always hydrated, helps intestinal function and also ensures a higher production of milk.

Reference sources

Cuidados com a alimentação na gestação

sexta-feira, 19 de março de 2010

Exercise and diet - a perfect combination

The physical exercise combined with a healthy diet can bring great benefits to our body.

A proper diet helps to prevent obesity, heart problems and various diseases. Exercise, on the other hand, help to fight various infectious diseases such as muscular and joint pain. What then of the benefits when we put together a correct diet with exercise?

The exercise can also be benefited by a diet that contains fiber, iron, vitamins and calcium. Recalling that we should eat in a balanced way, without exaggeration.

Benefits of exercise

Exercise may benefit in several ways:
  • Reducing the risk of obesity
  • Assisting in the bloodstream
  • Bringing comfort and well-being

Children and the practice of physical

Children have a lot of energy and the introduction of certain physical exercises and games
can promote the development and many of them. Some tricks that can help stimulate physical development are jumping rope, catch, and hide and seek.

In addition, sports like soccer and volleyball can be a great workout and, together with a proper diet, contribute to a healthier life and carefree.

Reference source: Nutrição em Foco, A importância dos exercícios físicos aliados à alimentação

Nutritional care in the pre-school

When the child is three years of age there is beginning a new phase in your life, they get to attend any school. In an important step in raising the child, this is how it also begins to change their habits and behaviors, as well as their food.

Many children leave out a bottle to start a new phase of infant feeding and is currently in transition, parents should keep an eye out and take some care with which the child will eat, like candy, CSDs, snacks and cakes, which although they are very tasty high-calorie, which have contributed to the increase in excessive weight of many children.

It is at this stage also that there are changes in mealtime. For example if the child took a bottle at four o'clock in the morning, will make your new diet at nine o'clock in the morning.

For the new training schedule is essential to help parents control the timing of appropriate meals.

The role of parents is also critical when selecting the foods that make meals, avoiding foods and / or fatty foods such as salted or frozen.

Types of infant feeding in the pre-school

In the case of public schools, where themselves are responsible for students' lunches, they have the primary responsibility of preparing and serving healthy food, rich in iron, protein, vitamins and calcium.

In the case of private schools where canteens filled with goodies are a major temptation, are the parents the primary responsibility to guide and control the feeding of children.

Oh, and do not forget the importance of hydration of the children!

Some types of snacks for infant feeding:
  • Sandwiches natural
  • Fresh fruit juices
  • Fruits

Snacks should be avoided or moderate:
  • Filled Biscuits
  • Soft
  • Salted
  • Sweets

Following these tips, although simple are fundamental, we can get good nutrition in the pre-school, a key moment in the lives of our children!

Reference source: Nutrição em Foco, Alimentação na fase pré-escolar

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has a primary role to combat free radicals found in the body also help in strengthening the immune system and disease prevention in the vision, preventing infections also. Vitamin A is fat soluble, that is, it depends on the fat to be transported in our bodies, for dieters should pay close attention to little consumption of these foods, because its deficiency can cause problems in the health of the individual.

It is important to remember that a day should be consumed at least 300mg of beta-carotene, this is a way to take vitamin A indirectly.

Lack of vitamin A can cause:
  • Difficulty in developing mobile
  • Problems in the eye that can lead to blindness or other type of disease
  • It slows the growth
  • Irritation of the eye in contact with the sun
  • Avoid respiratory infections and kidney stones

If vitamin A is ingested in excess it can bring some health risks, thus causing an infection or a more severe disease. Below are some symptoms of your excess:
  • Lack of appetite
  • Headaches
  • Bleeding (in some cases)
  • Joint pain
The low consumption of foods containing vitamin A, diets very low in fat and they need constant infections that the immune system is always in action, can lead to lack of vitamin A.

Some foods that contain vitamin A:
  • Pumpkin raw
  • Cashew
  • Carrot
  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Salsa
  • Liver
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Milk
Reference Source: Nutrição em Foco, Vitamina A